Saturday, March 11, 2017

"Paper Bow"

  How to make a paper bow
Step 1:Get a squared paper and fold it in half.Unfold and fold it again on the other side.Unfold and fold it diagonally both left and right side.

Step 2:Bring all corners together.

Step 3:Fold the row down about an inch.

Step 4:Unfold it and creat a sink in the little square into the rest of the paper along the diagonally crease underneath it.

Step 5:Take the right side and fold the top corner into middle class.Repeat it on both left and right side.

Step 6:Put them apart and you will see a flatten little bubble,flip it over and cut all four outermost crease.

Step 7:Now take the top and fold it down,repeat it on both sides

Step:Cut right down frog face and it will serve as the tail of your bow.

:*You may use the paper bow in designing your projects,notebooks or your room.

"Latest Trends"

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The Latest Trends (science and technology)

As time flies so fast the technologhy in every country is now developing.People invented some technology that will help us.As you can see were already seen some major step through augrumental reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).Thousands of AR and VR are now implemented.Example of this is the Pokemon go it is an AR game wherein millions of people of downloads this game.The AR and VR will continuesly developing.This can help us to explore more.

"Dr.Jose P. Rizal"

Dr.Jose P. Rizal

     Jose Rizal was a national hero of the Philippines.He is a prolofic writer from young age.When he was 7 years old,he wroted a play that stage during fiesta and when he was 8 years old, he wroted poem entitled "Sa aking mga kabata".During the time that he was studying in Ateneo and UST,he wrote poems,plays andbother literary piece.The most famous work of Rizal are the Noli me Tangere (Touch me Not) it is dedicated to mother earth and the El Filibusterismo (Treason) it is dedicated to the Gombulza.The core of his writing is centered on rights and freedom of filipino people.



Being a fangirl is not that easy.You will encounter lot of challenges.If your a fangirl you must have patient and you must know how to manage your time in school,family,fangirling etc.For me,time management is one of my biggest challenge in life because honestly I dont know how to manage my timeWhen I become a fangirl,first ut reaaly difficult for me because I traine just focusing in one thing.There are some circumstances that I didn't do my assignment,I didn't review our lesson because Im just focusing in fangirling and I regret because i lost a big points in that subject.As time flies so fast,I learned how to manage my time in school,family and fangirling.I learned to divide my self in doing paperworks in school,in family and in doing some stuff for fangirling.All of my sacrifices,effort,patience at worth it when I saw my idols in person and thai is one of the most precious experience that I've encounter.If you are a fangirl like me I recommended to you that you that you must have along patieny and you must know how to manage your time,just always remember that "Theres a right time for everything"-Eccelesiates 3:1-8

"Teenage Pregnancy"

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Teenage pregnancy

     Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest problem of every country.Many female are involves in this problem because maybe they don't have enough knowledge about unprotected sex or maybe they experiencing big problem or lack of attention coming from their parents.The teenagers who was being involve in this problem are those uneducated people or sometimes there are also educate people  or sometimes there are also educate people also involve in this scenario.This problem should end.Teenager should have enough  knowledge about sex.The government should implement a programs that help the teenagers  to have knowledge before having sex.Parents should talk to their to their children,so that they will know what are their problems.Parents should lessen up their times in work and give time to their family so that their child will not exchange in this kind of problem.


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(credits to the owner if this photo)


I'm stressed,I'm depressed
I can take this anymore
I want to stop this feeling

Can someone help me?
Can someone comfort me?
Coz I can take this anymore

I'm tired of being strong
I'm tired of walking alone
I'm tired of everything

I'm already drain
I want to stop the pain
I want to get out in this lane 

Thursday, March 9, 2017


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(credits to the owner of this photo)


Your like an angel above
That showers care and love
And make me feel free like dove

I just want you to know
Your the greatest woman in the world
With heart of pure gold

Just always remember
Your always be the best
The better mother that the rest


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     Terrorism,it is a act odf violence or frightening people in every country.Terrost people can kill people.They are against the law or the rules in our counrty,so they are rebelling in our goverment.Im afraid of having terorism in our country.It can terror people.As you can see in every news,lots of peolple are being died because of terrorrism some of them are soldiers.Terrorrism is commonly heard at mindanao.The people in Mindanao are beingfrighen because of the rebelion of the terrorrist people.This can cause troma to them.We as a citizen of the philippines should hear the voice of the terrorrist.We should know what they really want.For me,this can help us to have a peaceful country.


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     Drugs is a kind of medicine that are prohibited.This kind of medicine is popular know a days.Taking this kind of medicine will make you crazy,insane and this can cause crime and death.
     There are many life that are destroyed and lost because of drugs. It is sad to say that nowadays drugs is still excisting.It is hard to think that there are family that are desolate because of drugs.
      As a human being that existing in this planet,we should help our goverment to solve this problem in drugs.Let's our fellow citizen know ehat drusg really is.Lets put ourcountry in drug freen place.

"Povert:It wont let you down"

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Poverty:It won't letyou down

"Povert is nothidrance to success"

     Did you ever starle your self by asking,"Does poverty is hidrance to success?".Many people are hopeless to reach their goals in life because of poverty.So,what should we do to reach those goals even if they're experiencing poverty?
     One of the most phenomenon problen nowadays is the poverty.It has abig impact to every peoplen in our society.They can't provide their necessity in life like food,houses and money.They can even go to school,so they can't even know how to read and how to write.Theyarebeing worry and discourage in achiving their goals.But for me,poverty is not a reason to stop reaching your goals.There are many ways to overcome it like for example;you may find some sideline jobs in carenderias,vendors in markets etc. to have a extra money.You mau also enroll in tesda to enhance your knowledge and ability.
     Poverty is not a hidrance to success.We should work hard and persue our dreams.Because if you really want to achive your goals you will find a way to achive it.


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Emotions are part of our everyday life
It is the feeling that we feel day and night
Sometimes it is wrong
Sometines it is right

Emotions that will never last
We should put them behind us
For the better life


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            (Credits to the owner of this photo)


Ou friendship is the best
Than the friendship of the rest
We're like a pairof slipper
Without you my life will become miserable

Our friendship will reamain forever
We will face the world together
Even the time flies faster
I will always here for you forever

As times goes by
Ourfriendship become stronger
No one will break us apart
We will cherish every moment together

You make me feel special
In the world full of trial
Just always remember 
You will always be my forever


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"SONA 2K16"

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President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was delivered last Monday,July 25,2016 at the Batasan Pambansa in Quezon City.After Having watched the State of the Nation Adress of our new President,I can honestly say that I am so excited for the upcoming changes in our country.As a youth,I believe that whatever happen in our administration will affect my future and also the future of my co-youth.In our environment,our new president want to eradicate the environmental problems that ou country facing.I think his will going to be a big step to our president because this problem is existing since at the beginning of the time.President duterte also said that he will going to find a solution to stop the flooding in Metro Manila,so that people will not worried where they going to evacuate.The development of the National Broadband Plan and the Free Wi-Fi access to every public places of President Duterte is a good idea because as a youth or as a student this will help us to make our school task easily to do in time saving,effective way.The improvement of the public services and government is also a good idea of our president because of this we will not anymore consume our time in getting our licenses,clearance etc. and we won’t need to wait on a long cue of line anymore.Another thing is the expiration of the passport will extend up to 10 years and the driver licenses will exted up to 5 years because of this our expenses in renewing those documents will lessen.Due to the expensive billing in hospitalization plus medicine,President Duterte introduce the Universal Health Insurance where Filipino people will be eligitable to get one.This will ensure that whoever is sick will attend appropriate treatment.The rice subsidy given by the DSWD to every poor Filipino family is help to ensure that there is no reason for people to be hungry.Because of this mal-nutrition in our county will lessen.On the fighting against criminality and corruption,our president said that it will be relentless.He promised that he will not stop until last drug lord.He encourage the police officers and the National Police Commission to do their job.President Duterte was serious in this kind of problem.I feel sad because this will be blood-shedding process but if this is the best way to lessen or stop the criminality,corruption and clean our land from drug abusers then let it be.“And the Filipino,disciplined,informed,involved,shall rise from the rubbles of sorrow and pain.So that all the mirror in the world will reflected the face of passion that has change this land” that was one of the inspiring message of President Rodrigo Duterte to every citizen in our country.In generally,I feel very happy for the upcoming progress of our country.the criminality,corruption,drugs and diffirent problem will stop because of our new president.I have to do my part as a student,youth,citizen in this country,so that in my simple ways I can help our Mother land.I hope that there will be more progress and development in our country.


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     Can “love” really be defined or expalain?What is the first thing that pop in your head when you hear the word “love”?I know this questions exists in the mind of every human being including myself.Love a simple word compose of four letters that can mean lot of things to many different people around the world.Every people in this world has experience love,whether they were love or loved.They have their own definition,what love is and we don’t know where love exactly came from but the one thing that we know is we are nothing without love.Love exist in every human.It is the most powerfull emotion that we express.Some says that love is untamed force,when you try to control it,it will destroy us and when you try to imprison it,it enslave us.When you accept someone to be exactly as they are,without belief that they aren’t,that is love.Love is completely unconditional because when we truly love someone we can stop loving them even they broke our heart.They also say that love is selfless because we just love in the sake of love and we just love that person without any replacement.Love means to commit yourself without guarantee.People defined love based on their experience.Some people also say that love is the biggest mistake you’ve felt to a person that is not deserving,it is just a waste of time and a waste of effort,people say it because of their being bitterness.They can also say this because of their bad experience from their past that bring it with them.Either,the people that they love most broke their heart.Love can be painful and love can make you sad,lonely,mad,happy etc.Love don’t have any age can change us,can change any human being.People fall in love because they searching the missing part of their heart.We consider love as one of our strength and weaknesses.Everyone strives to attain love.Some spend their lives,dreaming for the day that they fall in love.Love is the key to open our heart,to look to the world without mask and to show people who really you are.It make person to become a whole entity and it makes you understand yourself.Love is everlasting and timeless.
      Love is not only exist in human but also in animals,some living and non-living things.Love is not just came from two human being with different gender but also love comes from our family,friends,relatives and most of all God.The love of our family is unconditional,it is endless,it is timeless and everlasting.The love of our parents is describe as our love at first sight and it is very strong because it is comes from our natural instinct and this love can also be felt between siblings.Friendship love know that you have someone to talk to especially about things that you could never tell your parents.God love is the most powerful love ever.The love of God is the true meaning of love because God  created love.God is love.The God love was sweet and marvelous,it is higher than the highest mountain,it is deeper than the deepest ocean and it is wider than the universe.This tell that the love of God is endless and it is not measurable.
        Love is not just give a positive effect in human it can also cause negative to humans.In reality,love is also one of the problem of every people like between husband and wife,between boyfriend and girlfriend,between children and their parents and also between you and your friends.It is the most common problem for teenagers.Teenagers keep on searching and spending their time in finding their Prince charming.They are quickly falling in love and because of this they will going to have a relationship and they will forsaken their studies because they just focus in their love life not on their studies and it will lead to a low grades.Because of having a low grades conflict between the child and his/her parents will occur.Love can also the problem between husband and wife.Love is built with trust,if this trust between the husband and wife will collapse many problem will occur like jealousness.Lack of love,third party,misunderstanding is a common problem between husband and wife,this problem is also because of love.This problem can cause the separation of the couple.Falling in love comes at the cost of losing your closest friend because romantic partners absorb time that would otherwise be invested in relationships.After all this this problems all about love,do you think love is also the solution to solve this problems?.Can lost love restored again?.What do you think is the best way to restored lost love?Back when I was grade 10,I also fall in love with one of my friend.I keep that feeling secretly so that our closeness will remain but suddenly I tell that secret to my friends because of that my friends teasing me to my crush.My secret spread to our room,my friend know that I have a crush on him.Month past,my feeling remain,I heard that my crush have a crush on my bestfriend.I feel very sad and hopeless cause I know that my bestfriend also have feeling on him.Even I feel very bad about what I heard I choose to be happy,I choose to let go my feeling and choose my bestfriend cause I love her and I realize that this not the right time to fall in love and I realize that we should not hurry in finding our true because true love will find us and we should not lost our true friends because now a day it is hard to find true friends.For all the problem about love I think love is also the solution.Lost love can also restored again by building a new wall of love,trust and hope.
       Love is truly our strength but it is also our weakness.Love is not just a fairy tale with no negative manifestation.It has two side,the black and the white.Maybe the end of one is the beginning of others.The truth is love is difficult to define.Love hold people together in the way to help and care each other.Stay in love,get out of the world of bitterness and hated.Stand firm to love because the true son and daughter of God,Standing firm to love.Love rejects offens.Don’t live to the world of bitterness and hated learn how to love.Love your enemies.Love don’t keep record of wrong.Love must not grow cold.Whoever does not love,does not know God because “God is Love”.“Be loved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who I loves is born of God and knows God.He who does not love does not know God, for God is love”.-1 john 4:7-8



They're always right here beside me
Willing to give a hand on me
That's why I love my family

They're always show their care
they teach me how to share
And they love us fair

And I will always remember
To thank each of our family member
Co'z I know they love me forever



They say Im crazy
I also tell that to my self,actually
Dreaming that your with me
That's far from reality

I tried lot of things for you
Things that I haven't imagine that I can do
Cause I believe that I belong to you
Even it is impossible to be true

I will keep on trying and believing
To fight this unexpected feeling
I will always be your fan
I will never be gone

Tuesday, March 7, 2017



When I saw you in television
I can actually describe you
In perfect description
Co'z your the man in my imagination

Your always in my mind
Since the day that I saw you
Can I be your queen?
Even I dont have tiara

I want you to notice me
But thats impossible
Im just a girl in crowd
That screaming your name so loud


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Pizza is fun to eat
Can you give me a treat?
Lots of cheese with crunchy crust
I can eat the whole box so fast

I love to eat pizza all the time
I don't share it cause its all mine
Pizza is very yummy
It is good in my tummy